Thursday, September 4, 2008

Typography project:  Make a presidential Campaign poster.  I choose Barack Obama, obviously, and I wanted to keep the image very clean and simple while displaying 3 obvious hierarchies of type.  I like the image of the sun peeking over the top of the hill/earth.  to me it symbolizes a new day, new hope, change... all of which goes with Obama's campaign.  the colors I chose are very eye pleasing and a bit of a stray from the usual red and blue.  They are complimentary colors of red and blue though, and compliments to themselves.  GO BARACK!
Typography project.... Quote from the Dead's Mississippi Half Step
I was told by a bad ass art director who works at bad ass Crispin Porter in Boulder that I needed to actively feed my subconscious in order to stay creative.  This is the picture that came to my mind, so I drew it.... inspiration: Seymor of  The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I had to make up a fake pop country band and produce a poster for a concert among other things....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Typography: Not As Boring As It Sounds... wait, yeah it is

Had to make a an abstract design piece for typography.  There are six different styles of type (serif, sans serif, handwritten, script, display and blackletter) and I had to take a letter from each of the font styles and create a design box and then group them together as one composition.  The top left box is a serifed T, the top middle is a blackletter J, the top right is a sans serifed U, the bottom right is a handwritten Q, the bottom middle is a scripted J, and the bottom right is a display X.

Sparky: Your Grass is Showing

Do you hate mowing the lawn? I bet you do.  Do you wish that someone made an automated lawn mower?  Well someone actually already has.  But they haven't made an automated lawn mower that can cut bad ass designs in your yard... that is until now.  This is precisely what Sparky (patent pending) can do for you.  Sparky is an automated lawn mower that is guided through GPS coordinates to cut your personal lawn.  But wait... that's not all Sparky can do.  Sparky can cut any design you can think of into your yard.... (think holiday, teams, pranks.... ect.)  You can buy pre-made designs from our catalog or you can create your own using our interactive website.  Just imagine, while that jerk of a neighbor next door is asleep Sparky can cut a giant cock in his yard... oh,  the possibilities are endless....

With Sparky, You're Grass Will Show.... And That's a Good Thing

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Don't Make Me Choke-A-Bitch

An art installation designed to portray one of the concepts that KILLS CREATIVITY.  I chose the concept of competition/rewards, which makes people do crazy things like steal your ideas and fight over who really came up with an idea.  I hope that I never have to choke-a-bitch...

No More Cussing for Annie

The project was "do something interesting with soap".  I wrestled with what to do all week.  I kept trying to think of all the different ways that I had personally used soap in my life.  Wondering if their were any peculiarities with my soap usage that I could exploit in a (maybe?) humorous way.

My mind went through ideas of slip-in-slides and soap-on-a -rope, slipping on soap, soap operas, soap boxes, all different kinds of soap: laundry, dish, facial, body, hand ect.  When I started reminiscing about when I was younger (like 8) and my mother overheard me telling my brother's best friend to shut-the-fuck up.  I probably had no idea at the time the implication of the word and I hardly knew the consequence of saying it.  Long story short: My mother whips around grabs me by my head and drags me to the bathroom, where she magically produces the NEW liquid orange Dial soap and starts pumping it into the corner of my mouth.  All the while managing me and not skipping a beat talking to the person on the other end of the gigantic portable phone that was nudged in between her shoulder and head.   She is an amazing woman.  

My mother being the good southern lady that she is doesn't enjoy my adult potty mouth any more now than she did when I was 8, hence the photograph.

I wonder if I will Ever Tell Anyone about this Blog?


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sylvia is Mr. Miyagi

Staci made the precise comparison of Sylvia (our graphic design teacher) and Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid.  It's just that you never know exactly why she gives you this much work or where your project is going but you know that she knows, which evidently is all that you need to know.  Very "wax on, wax off". 

Here is my first and not yet complete (will it ever really be?) project that combines the Olmec Civilization with my chosen insect, the wasp.....