Sunday, August 3, 2008

No More Cussing for Annie

The project was "do something interesting with soap".  I wrestled with what to do all week.  I kept trying to think of all the different ways that I had personally used soap in my life.  Wondering if their were any peculiarities with my soap usage that I could exploit in a (maybe?) humorous way.

My mind went through ideas of slip-in-slides and soap-on-a -rope, slipping on soap, soap operas, soap boxes, all different kinds of soap: laundry, dish, facial, body, hand ect.  When I started reminiscing about when I was younger (like 8) and my mother overheard me telling my brother's best friend to shut-the-fuck up.  I probably had no idea at the time the implication of the word and I hardly knew the consequence of saying it.  Long story short: My mother whips around grabs me by my head and drags me to the bathroom, where she magically produces the NEW liquid orange Dial soap and starts pumping it into the corner of my mouth.  All the while managing me and not skipping a beat talking to the person on the other end of the gigantic portable phone that was nudged in between her shoulder and head.   She is an amazing woman.  

My mother being the good southern lady that she is doesn't enjoy my adult potty mouth any more now than she did when I was 8, hence the photograph.

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